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Diccionari de gemmologia - Presentació

© Author: Joaquim M. Nogués
© Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2013
With the advice of: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology


This dictionary gathers 1.302 terms with the denominations and the definition in Catalan and the equivalents in Spanish, English, French, Italian and German, from the gemology field, especially those related to the gemology species, gem physical properties and crystalline features, inclusions and cuts. You can also find materials from laboratory, treatments used to improve the gem color and appearance, the cut procedures, machines and tools to produce it and the final products originated, and the measurement equipment and complements used in the analytics techniques.

It is the online version of the Diccionari de gemmologia, edited by TERMCAT and Edicions Universitat de Barcelona in 1999, and developed under the direction and scientific coordination by Joaquim M. Nogués, with the terminological coordination by TERMCAT.

Clicking on Consulta de termes ('Text search'), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), or introducing a term in any language in the upper space Text de la consulta ('Text search'); this second option allows simple or advanced searches.



Associated documents (of the printed edition):

Work team
Concept diagram


Published and advised by:



NOGUÉS, Joaquim M. (coord.). Diccionari de gemmologia [en línia]. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2013. (Diccionaris en Línia)


Darrera actualització: 07-03-2025