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Diccionari de les tecnologies del so i de la música

Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Grup de Recerca en Tecnologia Musical

Diccionari de les tecnologies del so i de la música - Presentació

The Diccionari de les tecnologies del so i de la música (“Dictionary of sound and music technologies”) is a dictionary by the Music Technology Group at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies and the Polytechnic School at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and coordinated by Emilia Gómez Gutiérrez and Felipe Luis Navarro Valero. Its aim is to gather the most usual terms in sound and music technologies that students and experts of this field need to know. Apart from terms related to general music concepts, you can also find terms from very specific fields such as sound analysis and synthesis, acoustics, psychoacoustics, digital effects, devices and hardware. Terms offer the definition in Catalan and equivalents in Spanish and English.

This project has benefit from TERMCAT’s methodological advice and has been supported by the Centre for Teaching Quality and Innovation and the Language Office at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. In addition, researchers from the Music Technology Group and from the Sonology Department at the Higher School of Music of Catalonia (ESMUC) have also participated in the project. 


Clicking on Consulta de termes ('Term search'), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), or writing a term in any language in the upper space Text de la consulta ('Text search'); this second option allows simple or advanced searches.


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UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA. GRUP DE RECERCA EN TECNOLOGIA MUSICAL. Diccionari de les tecnologies del so i de la música [en línia]. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2014.



Darrera actualització: 07-03-2025