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Terminologia dels estils musicals

Terminologia dels estils musicals - Presentación

© Author and Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2019 (First edition: 2015)
In collaboration with: Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya; Grup Enderrock


In music, terms related to genres belong to a cultural environment with continuous changes and a lot of creativity. In terminology, this turns into the constant appearance of neologisms decribing the new music styles that are born.

That is why TERMCAT has considered necessary to publish a terminology of popular and established music genres: a dictionary that gathers 129 names of genres classified in groups as jazz, rock, pop, metal o world music, since the mid-20th century to present time.

Each entry contains the denomination and definition in Catalan, the equivalents in Spanish, English and French, and explanatory notes, when necessary.

Additionally, you can also check an interactive timeline in Catalan with audiovisual examples of every genre described.

Cronologia dels estils musicals

Most terms are loanwords from English that are not included in the Catalan reference lexicographical works. The Supervisory Council has studied these cases and proposed some general criteria to fix the Catalan denominations for these concepts.

The Terminologia dels estils musicals (‘Terminology of music genres’) is an open and dynamic project that we would like to enrich with the proposals that users make us.

Clicking on "Consulta de termes" (‘Term search’), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language) or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space "Text de la consulta" (‘Text search’) in any of the dictionary languages.


Work team  
Concept diagram
Supervisory Council criteria on names of music genres in Catalan


Author and Publisher:



In collaboration with: 

Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya          Logo Enderrock


TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Terminologia dels estils musicals [en línia]. 2a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2019 (Diccionaris en Línia)


Última actualización: 07-03-2025